- Sunday, August 22 20:00 Kolegiata pw. Bożego Ciała Holy Mass for the beginning of the Festival
- Monday, August 23 20:00 Kościół oo. Franciszkanów (Reformatów) Marcel Pérès Musique pour Maciej – Music for Maciej
improvisations and compositions on historical piano - Tuesday, August 24 20:00 Kościół pw. Św. Mikołaja (Opactwo) GŠ Ansamblis GIESMĖS Tikieimuy Katholickam pridiarancias (CHANTS Appropriate for the Practice of the Faithful)
- Wednesday, August 25 20:00 Kolegiata pw. Bożego Ciała Marcel Pérès and the Festival Choir Missa Pange lingua by Josquin des Prez in honor of the Blessed Sacrament
- Thursday, August 26 20:00 Bazylika Matki Boskiej Bolesnej (Dominikanie) Bruno Cocset Arte Dei Suonatori Joie & nostalgie, « clair obscur » de l’âme
Joy and nostalgia: lights and shadows of the soul - Friday, August 27 20:00 Kolegiata pw. Bożego Ciała Jerycho De Consolatione Polyphoniae (The Consolation of Polyphony) – Missa Mater Matris by Josquin des Prez from the repertoire of the Collegium Rorantistarum
- Saturday, August 28 18:00 Andrij Szkrabiuk and the Festival Choir Jerekojan – Armenian Vespers
Hoqehangist – Armenian Service for the Departed
(free entry) - Saturday, August 28 23:00 Podziemia Kolegiaty pw. Bożego Ciała Justyna Rekść-Raubo Little nocturnal suite in D: pieces for viola da gamba by Tobias Hume, Marin Marais, Johann Sebastian Bach, and improvisations
(not included in the festival pass; registration needed via email: zgloszenia@festiwal.jaroslaw.pl) - Sunday, August 29 9:30 Bazylika M.B. Bolesnej (Dominikanie) Holy Mass for the end of the Festival
Tickets and festival passes will be available before each concert:
– ticket 30 zł full / 20 zł reduced
– festival pass 130 zł full / 90 zł reduced
Limited number of places